Wisdom Support Circle

Wisdom Support Circle offers deep process work and brotherhood for men who desire support and accountability to live their most powerful lives, hone balanced self-awareness and cultivate a strong foundation of inner fulfillment.  

Witness the truth, that you are not alone in your shadow and your joy.  

When a fellow group member works on himself to uncover his own light, however messy or confronting, this deep process work offers the opportunity to see aspects of yourself in him and reflect on your own issues with more clarity and compassion.  

In this safe and reverent circle of respect and honor, we come together to hold each other to our highest living potential.



 It's time to break the destructive patterns of isolation!


As facilitator, Tom Rossi is adept at working directly, gently and respectfully with you to gain deeper understanding of yourself. Tom will help you to experience your authentic Self - the part of you that wants to be free and empowered - and the part that wants to stay hidden and be destructive. Through this full circle insight, amplified by the group of brothers to support, bear witness and reflect, you can find your center. You can find your strength. You can find your wisdom. One step at a time. Together.


 We're all carrying something heavy on our hearts. Let us help to lighten that load.


Whether new to deep process work, or have been at it for a while, you can join where ever you're at on the path. Click the link above or go to the JOIN US page to reach out with questions and set up an interview (required).


Especially as men, we are conditioned to ignore our feelings and sensitivities in order to achieve, to do, to fix, to belong, to be “better than that”, to BE A MAN.

How’s that working for you? Even if you are “successful” with money, sex, whatever… Are you really deeply happy? If you really are, you wouldn’t be reading this.

We are all carrying something heavy and burdensome within us. Mostly this is pain and unfelt emotions from childhood trauma.


In Wisdom Support Circle, you will hear your own issues, that you thought were only yours, come out of the mouths of fellow brothers, as they work through their own stuff, and they in turn will receive insights and revelations as you work.

Learn simple techniques to move your stuck energy and stay grounded.

There is no demand or obligation to share. Simply showing up to listen is huge.

If you have something you need to work on and receive support with, bring it to the light and be free.